Through our actions at Dzodze Ghana Mission Hospital, we expect to demonstrate the following beliefs:

In Regard to Patients…


We respect and serve people without regard to race, religion, age, disability, gender, sexual orientation, or socioeconomic status within the financial limits of our organization. The best interest of the patient must be the number one priority of all staff.


Health care services must be accessible to patients which, in turn, requires us to offer services at convenient hours for patients, within reasonable travel time, without excessive waiting, and at a reasonable cost.


Patients are entitled to certain rights including considerate and respectful care; information about the credential of the caregiver; informed choice regarding treatment alternatives; confidentiality and consideration of privacy; information on the business relations among Dzodze, Ghana Mission Hospital and other health care providers, or payers that may influence treatment or care.


Health care requires collaboration and continuity with patients (or their families/surrogates), and effective care requires the patient to accept certain responsibilities. Patients shall be educated to manage their health care problems when possible, to take responsibility for maintaining their health status and encouraged to practice healthy lifestyles.


Patients will receive personalized care dedicated to meeting their needs.

In Regard to Excellence…


We believe in effective collaboration with individuals and organizations interested in addressing the health care needs of the greater people.


Customer satisfaction is the foundation on which every organization is built, so satisfaction with our services must be measured frequently and appropriate measures are taken to continuously improve customer satisfaction.


Quality in health care is rooted in attracting and retaining well-trained and qualified health personnel. Commitment to measuring and improving the quality of care shall be a fundamental activity of the health facility, which requires the cooperation of everyone in the institution.

In Regard to Each Other…


We will provide or facilitate access to a full spectrum of health care services for our patients.


We believe our health personnel must be responsible and accountable for ethical behaviour and stewardship of all resources under our control to ensure the accomplishment of our missions.


Every health personnel is valued and has a unique contribution to make toward the success of Dzodze, Ghana Mission Clinic.


The facilities staff’s financial security must be maintained for continued success. Their job satisfaction shall be addressed in an ongoing manner since satisfied staff are more likely to produce satisfied customers that are the key to continued financial success for the organization.


All staff will be afforded opportunities to grow and develop within the institution and within their profession.

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